Dr Katie Lamb

Postdoctoral Research Associate (PDRA) in in Circular Chemical Economy in Chemical & Biological Engineering at The University of Sheffield.

Katie has a strong background in chemistry, in particular green and carbon dioxide chemistry, completing her PhD in Green Chemistry at the University of York in 2017. Katie’s PhD research consisted of developing novel and sustainable carbon dioxide utilization and carbon capture and storage methodologies. From 2018 to 2020, Katie was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence of the University of York, researching the development of sustainable catalysts for cyclic carbonate synthesis, as part of a GCRF funded project in collaboration with researchers at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Katie then spent a short time from 2020-2021 working at the Central Teaching Laboratories at the University of Liverpool.

Katie is currently working with the Styring group to develop evidence-based policies for the implementation of a circular economy in the chemicals manufacturing industries. This project involves liaising with universities, industrial partners, stakeholders, the UK government, DEFRA and BEIS. Using her previous knowledge of carbon dioxide and green chemistry, Katie will focus on evaluating the performance of competing technology pathways and devise new evidence-based policy instruments to stimulate supply, demand and investment in sustainable chemicals. Katie will also focus on ensuring social justice is maintained in these policies, whilst promoting public awareness and knowledge towards social acceptance of the circular chemical economy.

Katie says “Outside of research, I enjoy walking, travelling and baking. I am also a keen percussionist and drum kit player, with experience in playing with orchestras, concert bands and championship level brass bands across the UK”.

Katy Carlisle

Squarespace website design and training.



Dr Yuanting Qiao