Dr George Dowson

George Dowson.jpg

Postdoctoral Research Associate (PRDA) in Chemical & Biological Engineering at The University of Sheffield.

George is working in a project that aims to provide breakthrough technology for the conversion of CO2 to fuels and chemical building blocks. It is expected that this technology will decrease CO2 emissions by 1.9 tons CO2 for every ton of C3 product produced, with expected reductions in CO2 emissions of 0.4 Mt CO2/year in 2030 and 2.2 Mt CO2/year from 2034.

Furthermore, Before carbon dioxide can either be stored or used in a way that prevents further net emission into the atmosphere, it must be captured and sequestered or converted into another form. My background is in carbon capture and sustainable fuel catalysis where I develop new capture methods, which separate the carbon dioxide from other gases, giving us a high concentration source of the gas to use. My current work is focused on automating and scaling-up of a novel capture process which may allow the separation of the carbon dioxide to happen with significantly lower energy costs than traditional amine-capture routes, which have been a major impediment to the development and deployment of carbon capture technologies.

George says “Outside of research, I enjoy swimming, hiking and theme parks with my family and I am a keen pianist, specialising in the romantic-era composers, and have written a little music myself. I also enjoy cooking and baking, especially unusual cakes!”.

Katy Carlisle

Squarespace website design and training.



Alex Newman